A View with a Button. When we click that Button a fragment is being added dynamically in our View. We click again and the fragment is being dynamically removed.
before and after Fragment Transaction took place
What we need:
One Activity and one Fragment. In the Activity's layout we add two layout objects. That's a Button and a FrameLayout.
In Fragment's layout we have a TextView that contains just text in a color background
So the code for the Activity's and Fragment's layout is:
Fragment's Layout :
Note the android:id = "@+id/fragment_container_1" in the Activity's layout which is an identifier for our fragment. When we make Transactions like add we refer to a fragment by id.
Activity and Fragment :
Fragment Class : is a typical Fragment class as we have seen it before
Activity Class : onClick() begins Transaction. If state is null then we add and commit the fragment else we need to remove and commit again.
So the code is :